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Firefox插件Vim Vixen快捷键

已有 1295 次阅读2017-11-30 22:50 |个人分类:IT世界| 晓张, vim

Firefox插件Vim Vixen快捷键

Basic usage

- h, j, k, l: scroll left, down, right, up, and right
- j, k: scroll vertically
- h, l: scroll horizontally
- Ctrl+U, Ctrl+D: scroll pages by half of screen
- Ctrl+B, Ctrl+F: scroll pages by a screen
- 0, $: scroll a page to leftmost/rightmost
- gg, G: scroll to top/bottom

- gg, G: scroll to top and bottom
- d: delete current tab
- u: reopen close tab
- K, J: select prev or next tab
- r: reload current tab
- zp: toggle pin/unpin current tab
- zd: duplicate current tab

- f: start following links in the page
- H: go back in histories
- L: go forward in histories
- [[, ]]: find prev or next links and open it
- gu: go to parent directory
- gU: go to root directory

- :: open console
- o, t, w: open a page in current tab, new tab, or new window
- O, T, W: similar to o, t, w, but that contains current URL
- b: Select tabs by URL or title
- zi, zo: zoom-in/zoom-out
- zz: Set default zoom level
- y: copy URL in current tab
- Shift+Esc: enable or disable the add-on in current tab.

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